Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Yoga Sutras

I'm on my way to the Saturday all day training in about 1/2 hour. Last night was the lecture on The Yoga Sutras with Satyam. He's a very engaging speaker and the 2 hours flew by. My concern is the lack of retention this old brain of mine has! Holy cow! It's so hard to make sense of all of it. I am such a global thinker and learner so that when given details it's more difficult for me to paint the whole picture. I like seeing what the picture looks like first and then filling it in with all the rich details. No one else seems to be having this problem, or else they're hiding it well. I'm sure they don't know my secret. I 'hmmm' when everyone else does, I giggle when everyone else does, and I 'wow' when everyone else does. Harry, my dear husband (that's sarcastic!) is convinced I have a form of ADD. The basis for his conclusion is that although I appear to be so engaged and interested when he talks to me while making serious eye contact, when given a quiz later in the day on his discourse I have no idea what he is referring to! I call that something else, he calls it ADD!
Back to the Sutras ~ I think I'll have to commit to an hour of review every day. My new mantra ~ I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!