Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Lecture...

Well, Friday night was the first lecture. It was great, I just loved being a student again. From now on I will record the lectures. I'm so out of practice, my notes are all over the place! There are some very interesting people in the class who have been practicing yoga since the 70's. For those of us who were 'of age' in the 70's let me tell you that it was not easy to find a yoga class back then. Yoga hadn't come to the United States until the late 60's! The man doing the lecture is Satyam. He's very passionate and very knowledgeable. I know I'm going to come out of this training a different person.
On Saturday I went to a wedding and had to miss the first full day. I was disappointed, but I did what was right. I'm anxious to make it up, I don't want to miss a thing!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Three Hours and counting...

In less than 3 hours I'll be attending my first session of the Yoga Teacher Training. Tonight is lecture so I'm not so nervous. I'll be able to eat dinner at a normal hour since I won't be practicing any of the asanas. I paid my fee this morning before class. That in itself was nerve wracking. No turning back now. I must admit I was second guessing before I paid. I was thinking of how if I didn't go through with it I'd have lots of "splaining" to do ~ I told so many people! I would also have to say 'buh-bye' to the studio, because I'd never be able to show my face in there again! Once I was fully entrenched in this morning's practice, I knew I was doing the right thing by moving forward. I just love yoga so much. (I swear, after this morning I think I grew 3 inches!) Maybe the discipline to develop an at-home practice will come. Right now it just isn't the same for me. Gotta go pack my new gym bag (complete with compartments for ipod, iphone, laptop and water bottle ~ LOVE Lululemon!)sharpen my pencils, and test my new audio recorder. Namaste ~

Friday, September 18, 2009

Seven More Days...

It's been awhile since I attended a yoga class. I've been practicing at home, but for me it's not the same. I went to class this morning and hooray! Lori was back. I was all set for a sub, so it was a very pleasant surprise that she was there. It was an amazing class as always. My cranky body responded well. I'm trying so hard to not pass judgement. But... Surprise! Surprise! It's much easier to not judge others. I haven't quite mastered not judging myself. It's a challenge to get rid of the negative self talk. I'm ready to leave my anxieties at the door and jump right in. Yeeeee Haaaa!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Countdown...

It is 14 days until I begin my 200 hour yoga teacher training and I'm a bit scared. More than a bit actually. I had no other choice but to make this decision because:
a.) I love yoga
b.) my favorite instructor is doing the training
c.) the training is in my hometown (no commuting!!!)
d.) I'm a retired teacher who no longer has the responsibility of a full time job or children living at home.
e.) my husband is very supportive
Although I know that yoga is not only about the asanas (poses) the thought of not being so accomplished in this area makes me anxious. I will also be the oldest one in the training. It seems that everywhere I go lately I'm the oldest one, but that's a whole other issue.
This morning while I was reading my latest issue of Yoga Journal I came across an article about a man who found yoga later in life, at age 60. He talked about how yoga has affected his life in many positive ways including improving his golf game. The article ended with him saying that he will be starting his teacher training this fall at age 65!!!! Wooooo Hooooo!